Healthcare: At at tipping point for Intelligent Automation

Did you know that out of the $4 trillion spent annually in the U.S., $300 billion is spent on administrative tasks that are repetitive and labor-intensive? The healthcare industry has a lot of inefficiencies because most of the work is done manually. Healthcare globally is in a critical situation, with costs continually rising and funds decreasing. This is putting patient outcomes at risk. The size of the healthcare industry makes it difficult to achieve meaningful change both logistically and financially with just people alone.

There are new technologies emerging, such as Robot Process Automation, Intelligent Automation, and AI, which have low costs, high returns, and quick implementation times. These technologies can deliver benefits individually, but when combined, they can be groundbreaking and transformative. The arrival of Generative Artificial Intelligence, now available in an affordable and usable form, has completely changed the game.

Virtual Operations recently hosted a webinar with top influencers in Intelligent Automation and AI, including Kieran Gilmurry. The experts encouraged attendees to embrace these technologies, understand their possibilities, risks, and limitations, and use them to improve their own organizations. Most importantly, an expert panel discussed how to solve the healthcare crisis by utilizing technology while keeping people at the core of the solution.

In this video excerpt, Virtual Operations automation practitioner Jack Corbell discusses practical applications for Intelligent Automation and AI in Healthcare that are already delivering huge value to organisations.


Improving patient outcomes with intelligent automation and AI.